15 September 2011

First impressions

  9 Komen    
We always been thought and remind, never judge a books by it's cover because it doesn't mean when the book's cover is plain, it's contains nothing good inside and it doesn't mean if the book's cover is thick and picture full, the contents really satisfied.

What about all the things we saw everyday especially peoples around us ? What if the person we see is not well known by us ? What will be our first impressions ?

sinless, no stress, playful, cute, know nothing 

useless, weak, full of thoughts, experienced

genius, charismatic, clever, nice boy

who's this old man ? crazy, foxy, he need to go to salon

lazy, gluttony, unhealthy, diabetes, heart attack, heavy

does your mom not feed you ? 

fashion maniac ? homeless, bad people, stinky, must avoid

err..macho ? gay maybe (ha ha ha)

Well, it's just a few. Not everyone have the same view right ? Whatever it is, don't judge a book by it's cover.

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  1. yupp..selalu juga ingtkan diri ni...

    adakalanya apa yg kita sangka kan itu berlaku sebaliknya.. ;)

  2. salam pipoq,

    macam tersalah masuk blog saje ...

    memang betui sangat pepatah itu :)

    selamat hari raya ye

  3. Betul, dont judge a book by its cover,,tapi 1st impression tu pun penting..:)

  4. betul2..kalau hang tgk aku cam jahat je, sbenarnye aku baik tau. haha ok tipu

  5. Good thing about western is they give applause to singer in singing contest because appreciate the talent not appearance.

  6. org selalu tgk aku as pic no 1...haha..:p

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