20 September 2011

first trimester

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My wife already in her first trimester of pregnancy. After three years 'resting' from getting pregnant, now it's time to get through all the maternal experience again. 

I still remember when my wife pregnant for the first time three years ago, i do get the uncomfortable feelings too. My wife 'suffering' from vomiting everyday and me myself couldn't even eat meat. Not only eating meat i couldn't take, even the smells from the meat can make me nausea. 

It's so horrible since i work at the kitchen and had to served meat meals couple days a week. Luckily it not last until my wife's 9 month pregnancy. At the third trimester, my 'feelings' to meat stuff getting normal again. But after our sweet daughter born, she's really allergy to meats. 

Not only about food symptoms, while at my wife first pregnancy she's always in hot conditions. Everyday 24 hours facing the fan. Until i had to buy another new fan after the last one jammed for non-stop operating. 

This time, it goes opposite direction. Everyday i feel hot while my wife is chilling in a thick blanket. She's not even can't eat prawn, chicken breast and smells cooking. 

Next week we will start to have a clinic visits. My hope is only both, my wife and our coming child is in good condition and healthy. Estimated due date of birth maybe on April next year, couldn't wait that day come. 

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  • first trimester My wife already in her first trimester of pregnancy. After three years 'resting' from getting pregnant, now it's time to get through all the maternal… Read More


  1. Lain anak lain pengalamannya..moga selamat semuanya.

  2. hope that both of you & your wife will be in good condition..:)

    u can ask from the doc the anti vomiting pill, whereby she can consume before foods.

  3. hello Pipoq,

    kisses and more^^

  4. hola Pipoq^^
    Pienso que siempre te leeré, porque escribes muy bonito^^
    Tienes un blog muy original.

    Vengo a decir GRACIAS por seguirme.
    Yo cierro dos de mis blogs. A ti,
    Doy sinceras y cariñosas gracias y a todos l@s amig@s que
    me apoyaron,
    me siguieron,
    me recibieron con los brazos abiertos,
    me visitaron,
    me leyeron,
    me comentaron.

    Un fuerte abrazo de amistad peremne^^


  5. Every time pregnant you may get different experience. It is normal. Congrats for getting 2nd child

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