03 September 2011

three already

Yesterday actually is our lovely daughter 3rd birthday. Three years old already but why i feel like she's just celebrating her first year ? A day before is her grandma's (my mother in law) and auntie's (my older sister) birthday. 

For the first time while waiting for our daughter to be born, i thought she will be a 'Merdeka baby', then it pass that date. After that i thought maybe she want to share the same day as her grandma but she pass it too. 

After passing several days from her expecting delivery date (suppose on 28 August), she chose to be born on 1st Ramadhan 1429H, err..actually 2nd of Ramadhan (past 27 minutes after midnight).

We went out to have some McDonald's ice cream. Two ice cream for only RM2.80 is quiet cheap for me. I don't really believe for the first time when i see the price i had to pay not because i never buy any ice cream at McDonald but just today i thought they went crazy (coz one of the drive-thru crew face turn blue and not smiling). 

Then we went to Tutti Frutti cafe. And it was our first time ever. Frozen yogurt ? Well, my wife said why don't we try some ? The cafe's concept is really cool.

We can choose how much we want to eat and how many we want to put all the toppings BUT make sure we have enough courage to pay for what we take. 

Of course for 200++ gram we take, i had to pay RM14. Worth enough because it really tasty.

Next we went to Domino's pizza. One thing we love to choose Domino's is it's service is really satisfying. Fast service not like the other one, well you know what i mean. Even some people says the taste of their pizza's is different but for me, time is much more precious.

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